In this compelling and insightful DVD series on the letters of Revelation 2 & 3, which Jesus wrote to the seven churches of Revelation through the quill of John, you’ll feel part of perhaps the most impactful journey into the very life of the early Church – as expounded by guide, Dr. Randall Smith.
Fourth of Seven DVDs: THYATIRA. In this letter to the church at Thyatira, Jesus addresses the key problem facing the children of the Lord in Thyatira, namely the temptation to tolerate sinful behavior. To them He reveals Himself as the “Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze” (Revelation 2:18).
Dr. Randall Smith explains that there were two things about ancient Thyatira that are important to know in order for us to understand the message of Jesus to this church. Thyatira was known for the manufacture of textiles and in particular, one considered an elite product, namely a textile dyed in purple and red. They also did metal work. In other words, Thyatira was a town where hard working people worked for a labor union and produced great textiles and metalwork. But following Jesus may have cost them their jobs and income. What a choice these Christians had to make!
Although the ruins of Thyatira are not impressive, the message of Jesus to this church is even more relevant to us who are living in a time where compromise is the order of the day.
Thus this is an extremely important message for our day!
This DVD was produced by Kerugma Productions, a faith-based venture that strives to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by means of high quality media productions. For more information please visit our website
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